Nano VNA v R&S
$340,000 R&S v $100 NANO VNA
Whilst at the 47th New England Weak Signal Society conference I was lucky enough to get Greg from Rhodes and Schwarz to test my SDRSwitches, amongst other things, using a wonderful piece of Rhodes and Schwarz test equipment.
As I had the exact same SDRSwitches that Greg tested for me with the Rhodes and Schwarz I decided it would be the perfect time to measure the same switches on my Nano-VNA F and compare the results.
For those of you not too familiar with VNA sweeps the following page might be a good primer.
Whilst obviously the $340,000 R&S was calibrated with a very precise $$$$ calibration set my $100 Nano VNA F was calibrated with the set which were supplied with the Nano. I did however upgrade the cables.